Using two newsletter providers?

If you've been in the newsletter game for more than a minute, you've probably run into the painful experience of wanting to add a newsletter subscriber pop-up box, or form, somewhere that only has integration with MailChimp. But guess what? There is a solution.

Tapping the mic...

Hello? Hello? Is anybody out there who leaves reviews anymore???

Finding reviewers for your book can feel a lot like combing the beach for your may get lucky, but just as likely won't. But don't despair. There's an awesome service, designed just for you--and it's a lot cheaper than you think. 

The Elusive Critique Partners & Beta Readers

Often authors, especially new authors, need a helping hand - someone to read their manuscript as they go and give critical feedback. A great solution for this need is to find a critique partner - another author in your genre, someone who you can trade off services with. You read their work-in-progress, and they read yours.

Your Author Brand

Author ... what? Yes. The elusive author brand, something that often gets forgotten in the confusion of releases, sales, promotions, and marketing. I wanted to be sure and share this important piece of the author puzzle and invited Rebel Farris to ATI, and asked her to breakdown branding for us.

Stuck in the midst of your story?

Writer's block can hover over your shoulder, silent and deadly, until the weak moment in your manuscript when BAM! it can hit. But I've been paying attention to when mine decides to strike, and I've found that it is typically caused by a few major villains. Knock out those villains, and you might just avoid a blockage all-together.