How many KU pages are in your book?

How many KU pages are in your book?

If your book is in KindleUnlimited, you are paid per page read. Which triggers the question - how many pages is your book? Kindle pages will vary from paperback pages, with Amazon using their own formula to calculate the number. Here is how you find it.

First, log into your KDP Bookshelf and navigate to the book. Click on the three dots to the right of it, and select KDP Select Info.

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If a pop-up appears with your KDP renewal info, just X out of that box. Then, scroll down to the section titled ‘Earn royalties from the KDP Select Global Fund’. At the bottom of that section is a teensy tiny line, shown below and circled in red. That number - 383? That is the number of KU pages in my ebook. They refer to those pages as Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC).

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Back in the day, you could manipulate that page count using creative spacing, font choices and page breaks, but Amazon has tuned their system down to be pretty dang accurate across the board. If your KENPC seems wildly inaccurate compared to your other novels, you CAN reach out to Amazon and ask them to reevaluate the count. They do occasionally adjust the counts.

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