All in Marketing

Make Your Email Smarter

If you do one new thing in 2020, it needs to be email segmenting. I started email segmentation in 2018 and immediately saw an increase in open rates and conversions from my emails. Let’s dive into what email segmentation is and how to do it.

Book Mockups in a *Snap*

I recently discovered (and fell in love) with a graphic design tool created specifically for authors and book promoters. If you’re paying graphic designers or photoshop fees to create ebook mockups or promotional items - take a few minutes to look at BookBrush.

9 Graphics You Need

I’m two weeks out from release - which means I’m scrambling for graphics like a Florida tourist looking for sunscreen. Strong graphics can be the difference between a blah release and a star-studded one - and there are a few key traits that will set your graphics apart from the pack.

Earning 6-figures on a backlist book…

A year ago, I published a passion project called The Ghostwriter. It was a story that was begging to be told, but one I didn't think would appeal to my followers.

My audience had been built on sexy romance novels, and I didn't think ANY of them would be interested in a trigger-loaded, emotional suspense about a terminally ill author hiding a secret.

When BOO can be BAD...

Unless you're Dean Koontz or Steven King - scaring readers isn't what most authors hope for. Yet, that's what so many of us do! We scare readers away from our books. You might be doing it RIGHT NOW, and not even realize it.